Year in Review: Celebrating Kiddos’ Successes in 2019
December 31, 2019
December 31, 2019
This has been an exciting year! With 47 Hopebridge Autism Therapy Centers now open across the United States, we have seen thousands of goals accomplished this year. From eating new foods, requesting items and using the restroom independently, to greeting friends, attending circle time patiently and going on family vacations, the kiddos we work with have shown some amazing progress and continued to light up the worlds around them.
As we head into a new year, we want to take a moment and give praise to all the children – and families – we worked within 2019, starting with a peek back at these incredible kids you may remember:
“Autism is her superpower. I believe all individuals on the spectrum have some sort of gift.” – Angelica, Nora’s Mother
When Norah was first diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), her parents fought to get her into applied behavior analysis (ABA therapy). It wasn’t until nearly two years later that they had luck finding a solution, once Hopebridge expanded into the Atlanta area. Norah had already been making huge strides in areas like communication and imaginative play thanks to help from other services like speech and occupational therapy, but her parents wanted to give their daughter the chance to live the fulfilling life she deserved, which is why they turned to ABA therapy at Hopebridge. We are so proud of Norah, and since joining the center, she has continued working on her communication, while also progressing in her transitions between activities and reducing some of the challenging behaviors around them. Read more about Norah and what the ABA evaluation and intake process was like for her family.
“He’s such a lovable child. You’ll fall in love with him in five minutes!” – Bobby, Zack’s Father
Life had not always been easy for Zack, who is mostly nonverbal and works hard to communicate. There is one thing that seems to come naturally for him, however…love! This boy has connected with his brothers, sisters and peers in a way so many of us can only dream for in life. Since joining the autism therapy program at Hopebridge, Zack has been able to strengthen those bonds even more, as well as reach some exciting developmental milestones. From beginning to speak and communicating via augmentative devices, to toilet-training and piecing together puzzles, Zack has made leaps and bounds throughout 2019. Learn more about Zack and how his entire family is involved in his progress on the blog.
“The only way I’m a super mom is because I have an awesome team of people at Hopebridge I get to work with!”- Brianne, Corbin’s Mom
Young Corbin joined the Hopebridge Mason center soon after his family moved to the Cincinnati area. Had had previously regressed in his speech, but since starting ABA therapy, he has learned to sign and uses PECS to communicate. Corbin is a runner, so elopement has been a challenge for him and his family, but he is not wandering as often and can now patiently sit for up to 10 minutes at a time, eating at the table rather than running around the house during mealtime. To make matters even more exciting, Corbin is able to have more fun outings with his brothers to places like the beach and zoo, which was difficult prior to joining Hopebridge. Let’s all give a virtual high five for Cobin and his hard work in 2019. Learn more about Corbin and how early identification and early intervention have benefited him and his family.
“That face. When he tells me he loves me, it’s so beautiful that everything else just falls away.” – Nicole, Kobe’s Mother
When getting Kobe ready to attend school, his mom knew she had to get him more help. She was worried he would not be able to sit in a classroom all day and that the traditional education system would not have the one-on-one supports her son needed for success. She searched for help and found Hopebridge’s Greenwood center, where he was able to get a formal assessment and autism diagnosis before starting ABA therapy. Since receiving services at the center, Kobe plays more independently, has become more patient, requests his needs more effectively, and thrives in a classroom setting. This year has brought incredible new experiences to Kobe’s life and with help from ABA, he was able to vacation to a theme park with his grandparents during the summer. Read how Kobe continues to overcome challenges associated with autism to create a life full of fun for himself and his family.
“He is so independent that sometimes I forget he’s not even 4 years old.”- Ana, Jacob’s Mother
After noticing some delayed speech, lack of eye contact, sensory discomfort and self-stimulatory behaviors like toe-walking, Jacob’s parents sought for answers. At a little older than 2 years old, Jacob received a formal diagnostic evaluation, when they learned he has ASD. They immediately began applying for a range of therapies like occupational and speech therapy before finding more intensive interventions like ABA therapy at Hopebridge. According to his mom and dad, Jacob has skyrocketed in his development since joining Hopebridge. He greets his peers and therapists daily, uses multi-word sentences, requests his wants, holds eye contact, problem-solves and creates friendships. He tries new foods and is strengthening his fine motor skills. Read more about Jacob’s story toward independence in 2019.
Is your child experiencing challenges that could benefit from ABA therapy? Give your child the gift of independence in 2020 and contact us to schedule a diagnostic assessment or ABA evaluation. We are here to start your year off on a high note.
*Informed consent was obtained from the participants in this article. This information should not be captured and reused without express permission from Hopebridge, LLC.