Field of Dreams T-Ball League Celebrated 9 Years for Special Needs Kids
August 16, 2018
August 16, 2018
Batter up! More than two dozen kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental delays had their chance to go to bat in a Minor League Baseball stadium last month. The Field of Dreams t-ball league, hosted by Hopebridge Children’s Foundation (HCF), recently rounded out its ninth season at Jackrabbits Kokomo Municipal Stadium.
The boundary-free program gives local special needs children the opportunity to play team sports with their peers. Each child is given multiple shots at hitting the ball and circling the bases, regardless of their physical or behavioral status. Games are fun and non-competitive, aiming to remove any threat or worries by providing a relaxed, inclusive setting with support from on-site volunteers.
“I can’t say enough good things about the HCF Field of Dreams t-ball league. My son has played for several years and it has given him so much confidence,” said Susie, the mother of t-ball team member, Baker. “I love that it allows kids who don’t have the opportunity to play sports in a ‘normal’ environment, the opportunity to play. It’s been a blessing for our family!”
To celebrate the end of the season, the kiddos and their families joined in an awards ceremony Friday, Aug. 3. Each player received a medal, plus took part in an individual and team photo shoot as a keepsake to go along with their t-ball memories. To add to the excitement, guests also attended the Jackrabbits baseball game as a group.
*Informed consent was obtained from the participants in this article. This information should not be captured and reused without express permission from Hopebridge, LLC.
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