All About World Autism Month!
March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024
To us, the month of April is not solely about one thing. Just like autism is a spectrum, so is our view of the month dedicated to it. World Autism Month shouldn’t only concern awareness. It goes beyond acceptance. It’s not an either/or scenario; it’s all encompassing.
At Hopebridge Autism Therapy Centers, we choose to focus on awareness, acceptance and advocacy around autism spectrum disorder.
It’s time to ignite change for our kiddos, families and the autism community as a whole. To do this, it takes efforts from all facets:
Autism awareness has grown leaps and bounds over the years, yet there is still work to be done. Many people have yet to learn the signs of autism and the challenges individuals with ASD face. Early interventions offer the best chance these children have to thrive, but they can’t occur without early identification, so deeper awareness and education around autism needs to remain a focus.
One in 36 children in this country is diagnosed with autism. Nearly everyone is affected by autism in some way. The acceptance of individuals with autism (and their families) in every part of society is overdue. This acknowledgement and inclusion is not only beneficial to them, but to everyone, as neurodiversity makes the world a better place. Let’s break down the barriers and foster inclusivity by opening our worlds to include the support, services and opportunities they deserve.
Awareness and acceptance are the first steps, but our loved ones deserve more than that, too. They need advocates; sidekicks who are with them for the long-haul to elevate them like the superheroes they are. They are counting on others to listen and learn, as well as help them share their voices in whatever way works best for them. They need individuals and organizations to have their backs through research, clinical advancements and policy with them in mind.
For nearly 20 years, our Hopebridge team has been here not only to accept and support the autism community, but to also lift these amazing kids up so they can reach their fullest potentials.
We want to see all children shine. We invite you to join us during World Autism Month as we continue our work to watch them do exactly that, all while celebrating everything that makes them uniquely wonderful.
We hope setting aside at least a few minutes to share the love for those around us will inspire you and those around you, while putting a spotlight on the importance of acceptance, awareness and support for the autism community. If you are ready to put your “why” into action and continue your career in a job that makes a difference, check out our open positions with autism therapy roles at centers across the country.
For more information on how Hopebridge’s involvement in the autism community can benefit your family, please contact us to learn about our centers and programs across the nation.
*Informed consent was obtained from the participants in this article. This information should not be captured and reused without express permission from Hopebridge, LLC.
December 01, 2017
Hopebridge Indianapolis West Grand Opening and Cookies with Santa