Find Out More About Hopebridge’s School-Based Training Programs
As leaders in autism care for nearly two decades, we understand the unique needs of children with developmental delays and differing abilities, as well as those of the schools that aim to ensure their students have the best possible educational achievement and support.
This is why we’re thrilled to partner with schools and share Hopebridge’s comprehensive behavior support training programs with educators like you. Our focus is on equipping teachers and staff with top-quality training; empowering them with the tools to foster a compassionate yet growth-focused learning experience for every student. From classroom setup to behavior management to specially designed instruction, we are here to help you and your team make a meaningful impact.
How Hopebridge partners with schools through the training we offer:
- Professional development
We offer a universal and focused professional development (PD) seminar series around topics that are customized for your school/district based off a needs-driven assessment. These training opportunities can be used as professional growth plans (PGPs) for teachers.
- In-class observation and consultation
This is where your school/district will put knowledge into action. We dedicate time to the practical implementation of the PD topics through in-person observation and coaching support for teachers and paraprofessionals.
- Individual student support
Should your school need more in-depth support, partnering with our team offers more direct, yet short-term services that include designing, training and analyzing student-behavior programming in the classroom, as well as transition support.